Monthly Archives: May 2016

Harley Davidson is Getting Bigger? And Better!

Okay, I’m not a stock and bonds kind of guy. I’ve got a working knowledge of it, but it is far from my specialty. But a few weeks ago, Harley Davidson released its first quarter results and they were somewhat enlightening. H-D sold 83,000 bikes in the first quarter. H-D saw the biggest increase in […]

Icon Leather Motorcycle Boots and Shoes

Rejoice! Ride to Work Day is Almost Here

Ride To Work Day is Almost Here! Alright fellow motorcycle enthusiasts, June is almost here (holy crap!) and one of the best parts about June is that “Ride Your Motorcycle To Work Day” is going to be here on June 20. So that means put up the leathers, get on the suit and tie, and cruise […]

Uh-Oh! Motorcycle Fender Bender How-To

Howdy, boys and girls. Now that virtually all of us are out on the road, the sad truth is that some of us are going to have a little fender bender. A slow lay down, a knockover in the parking lot, something is going to happen.  In fact, we talked about this in answering a […]